Social media is a fantastic method to engage with your audience regularly. Consider these pages to be live, breathing mini-websites that keep your company current and approachable.

Law businesses can profit from social media marketing in various ways, including increasing brand awareness, recruiting potential clients, and targeting your ideal audience. Also, having active social media accounts boosts your SEO and positions your lawyers as thought leaders in their fields.

However, with the responsibilities of operating a profitable company, resolving cases, and managing personnel, how do you find time to expand your social network? These ten short suggestions will help you find your groove and build the groundwork for a successful law firm social media marketing plan.

Begin By Listening

Before diving in headfirst, investigate what others are saying about your company. Look up your firms’ name on Google, Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn. What kinds of outcomes do you get? For example, you could find a page for your company that you had no idea existed, or you might come across a thread of comments referencing your company. Your findings will help you understand your current presence and how to improve it.

Select The Appropriate Platform

Depending on your field of work, the best social media platform may differ. Twitter, for example, may target a casual audience, while LinkedIn may target a more professional audience. This should be reflected in the material you create for each platform. First, make a list of keywords related to your firm’s services and begin researching whether platforms already have conversations going on about those themes. Next, determine where these relevant mentions are occurring and then concentrate on those channels. When starting, it is best to focus on one or two platforms instead of trying to monopolize every social media source.

Maintain Consistency

If you are Googling information and come across a page with dated material, you are likely to leave and continue searching for current information. The same is true for social media marketing. If your most recent post is out of date, your company loses credibility in the eyes of viewers.

A monthly content calendar is a practical approach to keep consistent with your publishing. Outline the material you want to include and when it will be available. This will provide you with a fast reference on what to post, so you don’t have to scramble at the last minute.

Publicize Your Blog

Blogging is a fantastic method to give long-form information that answers the pressing issues of your potential customers. It is critical in the legal business to demonstrate your knowledge and competence in your professional field. Customers want to know that you are an active member of the legal community and a qualified source to handle their case.

In addition to providing helpful material for social media, blogging enhances your SEO efforts and gives a location to direct your social media visitors.

Apply The 80/20 Rule

As you know, promotions will not gain you a customer; your successful track record is the incentive you can provide. As a result, 80 per cent of your material should give value (such as the blogs mentioned above), with only 20 per cent having a sales connotation. Of course, it’s entirely Okay to remind and urge your followers to schedule a free consultation, but if that’s all your feed produces, you’ll rapidly see a drop in engagement.

Engage With Your Target Audience

Social media, like other forms of communication, is a two-way thing. It is essential to respond to audience questions and remarks. This interaction demonstrates to your followers that you are approachable and willing to assist them. While shortcuts, such as just liking someone’s message, go the extra mile and create a genuine answer.

Remember to leverage social media to interact with referral sources and industry peers. To start developing a solid social network, like, share, and participate with their material.

If you want help getting your law firm to convert better online, contact Windy City Law Designs today. With over 10 years experience in website design and development and Internet marketing solutions, we will increase your online visibility.