Your law firm’s site design is the image of your online presence, and it plays a significant part in your firm’s overall reputation. Your website should be appealing to potential clients and tell them about your law firm’s expertise. However, just because a site seems attractive does not imply that it is correctly designed.
Poorly designed legal firm websites can also decrease internet traffic, costing you more than designing and constructing the initial website.
Not knowing what SEO or who your target audience is.
One of the most common mistakes a legal business can make is ignoring SEO, not knowing their target demographic, and how to reach them. While it may seem ideal to target everyone, failing to attract the right people to your company may be harmful and waste resources in the long run.
Most legal firms have heard of Search Engine Optimisation, but many are still not taking advantage of it. Optimising your website with quality keywords and a copy will result in higher search rankings and more visitors. Knowing your target audience can help you improve your website and business pages so that more clients who require the services you offer can find you.
Not conducting market research.
Even if you know your intended audience, it doesn’t mean you know how to persuade them to employ your legal services. Because your website is your potential client’s initial point of contact with your company, it must appeal to them. Don’t build your website to please your company. Create a website that appeals to your target demographic.
Market research is a simple method to learn what other companies are doing that is successful in implementing it on your website. It is critical to research what your potential clients are searching for and how you can demonstrate what you have to offer and why your business is the ideal option for them.
Not updating content.
The most straightforward approach to inform potential clients about your expertise and services is through content. However, if your information is out of date, poorly set out, or uses legal jargon, you may lose that visitor’s patronage.
Stale Content
Even if your material isn’t current or irrelevant, it can still be found on your website and in search engines. When potential customers encounter outdated material, they are more likely to abandon your website, resulting in a high bounce rate. If the only material they can locate is years or months old, the client may be reluctant to call you. It is best practice to update and add new information on a monthly or bimonthly basis.
Poorly Formatted Content
A massive piece of text that is difficult to understand or does not employ correct language can be a major turn-off for a potential customer. Use headers to break up your material, a spell and grammar checker, and split your information into easy-to-digest paragraphs.
Using Legal Jargon
Make sure that the information on your website is both professional and easily understandable. Using language that any layperson may understand can demonstrate to clients that you are easy to talk with and work with. Using uncommon words can be daunting and may jeopardise your future business opportunities with potential clients.
Not having an explicit CTA.
What good is identifying your target demographic, creating your website to attract their patronage, and regularly updating your material if you don’t inform your readers what to do? Your website should guide users on booking a legal consultation or contacting you to discuss their issues further.
Ensure all the pages on your website have a clear area where you offer them the details they need to contact you or take the next step.
If you want help getting your law firm to convert better online, contact Windy City Law Designs today. With over 10 years experience in website design and development and Internet marketing solutions, we will increase your online visibility.